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AWS面向普通用户推出健康湖:Amazon HealthLake

发布时间:2021-07-19 23:36:29 所属栏目:传媒 来源:至顶网
导读:副标题#e# AWS公司今天宣布Amazon HealthLake(亚马逊健康湖)上架,医疗机构利用Amazon HealthLake云服务可以将来自不同系统的医疗信息集中到一个地方并可以利用这些信息改善病人的护理。 Medical data is often spread across multiple applications. At

AWS管理的云基础设施用于托管HealthLake环境,进而可以简化客户的维护。HealthLake里处于静止状态的数据利用AWS的密钥管理服务进行了加密,医疗机构因此可以用他们自己生成的加密方式或云计算巨头提供的加密方式处理记录。数据在网络上移动时的安全受TLS 1.2加密保护。

“Amazon HealthLake is backed by fully managed AWS infrastructure,” AWS’ Simon wrote. “You won’t have to procure, provision, or manage a single piece of IT equipment. All you have to do is create a new data store, which only takes a few minutes. Once the data store is ready, you can immediately create, read, update, delete, and query your data.”

AWS的Simon在博文里表示,“完全管理的AWS基础架构提供对Amazon HealthLake的支持。你无需采购、配置或管理任何一件IT设备。你所要做的就是创建一个新的数据存储,只需要几分钟时间。一旦数据存储准备就绪,你就可以立即创建、读取、更新、删除和查询你的数据。”

AWS rival Google LLC last year launched a similar service called Google Healthcare API that aims to make it easier to access healthcare information. The service can aggregate medical records from multiple disparate applications, turn them into a standardized format and then make the integrated dataset available for analysis.

AWS的竞争对手谷歌LLC去年推出了一项类似的服务,名为Google Healthcare API,目的是让用户更容易获得医疗信息。该服务可以从多个不同的应用程序中汇总医疗记录及将记录转换成一种标准化的格式,然后将整合后的数据集用于分析。

The healthcare sector is one of the areas that the major cloud providers have prioritized as part of their recent efforts to add more vertical-specific services. Over recent years, AWS has also rolled out new vertical-specific offerings for other markets including the industrial sector and the financial services segment.


AWS’ value proposition for healthcare organizations has also benefited from its investments in edge computing. The cloud giant provides appliances called AWS Outposts that enable customers to set up miniature versions of its public cloud on-premises. Outposts appliances can enable, among other use cases, fast on-premises processing of medical information at locations such as hospitals to reduce latency.

AWS对医疗机构的价值主张还得益于其在边缘计算方面的投资。这家云计算巨头提供名为AWS Outposts的设备,客户利用AWS Outposts能够在企业内部建立微型的公共云。Outposts设备的用例之一是在医院等地点实现医疗信息的快速本地处理,达到减少延时的目的。

The growing number of services that AWS and its rivals are rolling out for healthcare organizations could help accelerate the sector’s cloud adoption, which is believed to be moving slower than in other areas.



